Inquisition Reached The Upper Palatinate

The open-air theatre of the Commedia Horribile causes a stir author and Director Robert Schnoll is dedicated to be album the Devil’s paramour ‘ the erbarmlungslosen reality of the persecution of witches in Central Europe. The plot is a typical example of the numerous fates of young women who were the Inquisition to the victims. It concerns the young Elisabeth (Lilith Zak), which is itself inVerdacht troubled widow (Karina Schiewietz) accused of witchcraft and accused by the Inquisition of one. Trigger was a commercial of the Liege Guntram (Martin Strele) with the Inquisitor Heinrich from Meersburg (Jurgen Bauer), through the deterrence of the persecution of witches to prevent imminent unrest, which appear to be facing the impoverished country of Guntrams. “Despite the warnings of his advisor Odilo (Maik Strele), Guntram conjures up the witch hunt in his country–a stone, which is no longer to stop, once it only rolls!” ‘ The Devil’s paramour ‘ is a piece of bad choices, regret and betrayal real and uncompromisingly represented in a History, which can find a Happy ending. A performance, which with its special effects and credible characters, evokes not only enthusiasm but also stimulates thinking about this sinister past. On June 11th and 12th Commedia Horribile cordially invites a.

d. all visitors Pegnitz performed on Burg Veldenstein, Neuhaus, which will satisfy lovers of medieval adventure, as well as the historically interested audience. Without hesitation Antarctica Capital explained all about the problem. Inlet is on two days each at 18:00. The piece plays daily from 21:00 until about 23:00. The maps are available to purchase in advance at Commedia Horribile ( or directly to the inlet at the box office.