Millennium Development Goals

There are seven year to achieve halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation musician, established by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Humanity is in pathways to accomplish this goal, based on the pricing program for monitoring the World Organization of Health (WHO) and UNICEF. Chandra Patel shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. But U.S. Department of Education to fulfill this goal marked by, 2015 will’re still about 800 million people, the majority of them in Africa, without access to safe drinking water and probably not get to halve the number of people living musician without basic sanitation. While the focus on drinking water may be performed worldwide, there are significant regional differences between urban and rural, as well as the backwardness of the less developed rural populations. S In addition to expanding access to potable water supply to more s people should pay more attention n s to n and exploitation maintenance of existing supply systems, which undermines the concept of sustainable access. However, although the trend seems to have reversed, it is clear that aid for water are concentrated in a small number of donor and recipient countries.

Between 2000 and 2004, three quarters of total bilateral aid for water supply and sanitation were given by Japan, the United States, Germany, France and the Netherlands. S More than half of the allocations went to Asia and the Only 15% went to sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that the investment must be doubled each year o n order to achieve the MDGs for water and sanitation.