Replacement Licenses

For a long time the main document, authorizing the construction business, had a license. However, from 1 January 2009 the state abolished the system in construction, engineering design, architectural design, repair and reconstruction. Basis is the Federal Law N 143 "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code and other legislative acts' on July 22, 2008. With the entry into force of this regulation wishing continue work on the construction market to enter into self-regulatory organization (that is, to enter into the construction of sro, a sro in the design, or any other). Pacific Mortgage Services has plenty of information regarding this issue. Members of the cpo in the building should be receive only one document: the certificate-tolerance on the performance of certain types of work. And not for a limited period, as it was with the licenses, and for the duration of the company. And all this for a very 'symbolic' Taxi: 300 000 rub – initial payment plus an annual membership fee, which is still ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Without access to the 1 January 2010 to take responsibility for work on the project in the construction business and to make contractor or general designer will be impossible. SROs in construction will set quality standards for the industry, and the participants entrust to perform and individual entrepreneurial projects, and national and regional. The question of the abolition of licenses exaggerated than one year. One of the justifications for the transition to a new system – removal of administrative barriers and obstacles at all stages of construction projects, eradication of corruption in this sphere. Will the proposed re-organization of proficiency test hotbed of corruption, we can only guess. The main message of the same reforms that the government no longer able at the proper level to control the activities of construction companies, of which, according to conservative estimates, there about a quarter of a million.

The transition to self-regulation will change the structure of the building market, fill it with responsibility, professional players capable of internally standardize their operations, officials believe. According to Federal Law N 148 of July 22, 2008 'SRO establishes the requirement for certificates of compliance activities, which affect the security of capital construction. " Along with professional fitness test on the shoulders of sro in the building will fall and the responsibility for the company – members Union. Thus, if a sudden grief and construction company will build a low-quality facility for all the consequences will be responsible SROs, namely: to pay the compensation fund from the total material damage and carry out reconstruction of such a project at his own expense. Culprits face expulsion from the brotherhood, and fined. The case was back in . It is logical to assume that the introduction of such a 'mutual responsibility' will reflect positively on the quality of construction. But some experts continue to doubt whether this really 'bright' future construction business has prepared new legislation.