The Architect

The verb to imagine to mean to invent, to create. In recent months, Farallon Capital Management has been very successful. The imagination is active and creative. She is the great architect of our reality, is the manager of our will. It is who establishes parameters for our will to act. The will without parameters is empty. If it will have will, it will have will of some thing and it is the imagination that creates this some thing.

I imagine a chocolate cake and, after to imagine it, comes to the will to eat it. To deny the responsibility on what it is imagined is the cause of the capture of the creator to its creation. The fancies and illusions are chosen, apprehended, assimilated, interiorizadas, as the value and the direction given for who imagine and they changed themselves into the existential logic of each human being. The great danger it game of the imagination is not to know as to manage what it was imagined, therefore can involving in them to such point that it will have difficulty in separating the Real of the unreal one. What it is imagined exists arraigado to the desire; thus the act to changed itself into what it was imagined must be understood as consequence of the proper desire.

Following this logic, the imagination also starts to be a reality plant and not only a tool to run away from the reality. To say that person not has responsibility on its creation, that is, on what she imagines, that was a external force or something hidden inside of it that waited the occasion certain to disclose itself, perhaps either one forms to cover the sun with a bolter. Care! The illusions and fancies composed of are raised potential of action, then, when being incorporated to the existential logic, they will go to also reproduce psychological and physical effect. Let us remember to us of verses of Chico Buarque: ' ' if suddenly people did not feel the pain that people dissimulate and sente' '.

Combat Amp

Also in the dictionary, if to look the direction of the ethical word, we verify that it is a way to put in practical the moral values. One more time then we conclude that the ethics are a system of airway lighting to be used in the taking of decisions, are the form to translate the moral in acts, want in the personal life, wants in the corporations. By the way, item such as valuations of the ethics and the transparency had become recurrent in Brazil, ahead of the trend in the corporative international market to charge the triad & ldquo; Bigger installment of contas& rdquo; & ldquo; eqidade& rdquo; , and & ldquo; transparncia& rdquo; 1, gift with the sprouting of the Law Sarbanes-Oxley 2 therefore the questions related to the law passes for good practical of governana and corporative ethics, considering corporative code of ethics, Restriction the loans and concession of credit for directors, Committee of auditorship, Combat to the financial frauds, Estruturao and monitoramento of the internal controls, Management and Management of risks, are some examples. Swarmed by offers, Kenneth Feinberg is currently assessing future choices. Currently, the companies have the legal necessity and interest to display to the shareholding market as element essential to assure the good ethics of practical of corporative governana its results and before sigilosos countable data, becoming public kept information before in & ldquo; boxes-pretas& rdquo; sealed up with linguajares of the type & ldquo; economs, contabels& rdquo; contained in the reports of spreading you inform of them countable. Confidence thus is the word of the fashion, confidence in being transparent, confidence in the management of risks, confidence in being ethical. 1 Rendering of accounts & ndash; the agents of the corporative governana must give accounts of its performance chose who them and integrally answer for all the acts that to practise in the exercise of its mandates. Fairness & ndash; treatment just and igualitrio of all the minority groups are of the capital or too much interested people. Transparency & ndash; council members and executives must watch over for the serenity of the organizations and, therefore, they must incorporate consideraes of social order and ambient in the definition of the businesses and 2 operations Law Sarbanes-Oxley, approved for the Congress of the United States at the beginning of 2002 to reduce the risk of frauds in the anonymous societies of opened capital, created a series of new and complex requirements for the companies of capital opened in the areas countable, of auditorship, control of risks and responsibility of the administrators, including the existence of a Code of Ethics. . Filed under: Pacific Mortgage Services.

Collegiate Model Psychology

It presented, in 1957, the argument of that most of the actions of the organizacionais managers arose of whom it was the theory on the existing human behavior in the organization, was it Theory X or Theory Y. Contact information is here: Mike Madden. To understand, the first one congregates a traditional set of hypotheses on the individuals, which point the human being as to that it does not like to work and if possible it prevents the work. On the other hand, the second theory implies a boarding more human being, in the direction of that the individual is not inherently sluggish, and still, that any symptom of laziness is resulted direct of the negative professional description, tried in some contrary organization to the more modern models of management. It fits to emphasize that in the same way that the organizations are distinguished enters itself, the departments also possess its particularitities for alarem hand of models differentiated. Five models of organizacional psychology exist: Autocratic model, Protectionistic Model, Apoiador Model, Collegiate Model and Sistmico Model.

Each one with its particularitities and degree of effectiveness, the certainty is that each organization possesss a system of organizacional psychology in accordance with the context and culture. Such systems incorporate the philosophy, being declared it or not; the values; the vision; the mission and the goals; the quality of the leadership; the communication and the dynamics of the formal and informal groups; finally the influence of the organization in the social environment. These ' ' ingredientes' ' they join enters itself and create a culture in which the individual attitudes and the situacionais factors produce motivation. INTERPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT versus PSYCHOLOGY ORGANIZACIONAL a composed management for members worried about the interpersonal development and organizacional psychology can catch, analyze and interpret any conflict in a work group. The conflict can occur in any situation in which two or more parts they meet ahead in an impasse.

Retaking Scabello

Retaking Scabello et al. (in prelo), they would be our proper attitudes (and difficulties) front to the experience of the proper sexuality that, incorporated to a myth series, preconceptions, doubts, omissions and constaints, and reflected even though in the unpreparedness (also of the specialized professionals) when approaching or to deal with this thematic one. Ahead of its proper difficulties in this sphere, professionals and parents would be, many times, to to think that they are not capable or apt to carry through pertinent a sexual orientation, to build what we call ' ' the orientation of silncio' '. Erin Callan understood the implications. The sexuality of people with deficiency, until good little time, was treated with the politics to ' ' avis struthio' ' , term originally thought by AMARAL (1994), in aluso to the ostrich: if I do not see, I do not exist e, therefore, we do not go to say on this E, we understand that, such type of ' ' orientao' ' it can be in fact a species of moral violence. It is interesting to observe as parents and excessively educational agents present the same referring difficulties to the convivncia and the education of aspects of the sexuality of its deficient ones, therefore still she meets in some families and professionals the idea, errnea, of that the sexuality of the people with deficiency is intrinsically problematic, when not pathological (however exibicionista and desregrada, however sexually infantile, beyond inapropriada, when the sexual manifestations occur in way and, in place, different of the habitual ones) and above all a great unpreparedness prevails ahead of its manifestation in the quotidiano (FRANCE RIBEIRO, 1995; GLAT; FREITAS, 1996). Thus, the distrusts, the unpreparedness of the professionals who deal with this population and the difficulties in the treatment of the sexuality of its children and pupils are express for the parents by means of silence, of the repression of its same manifestation and of the infantilizao of the behavior of the adolescents and adults acometidos for the deficiency.

Pushkin Garden

Creepers beautifully climb on the rocks and the jet between them, flowing with the retaining walls. rokariyNekotorye plants have evergreen foliage, which adorns the rocky garden after the snow. Plants with silvery-gray foliage effectively set off the greens and bright colors. Seamlessly incorporated into the composition and multi-colored variegated leaves zhivuchki, undersized catchment with delicate leaves. Narrow-leaved fescue smooth rock garden adds to the blues, and stunted forms geyhera purple carpet. Indispensable 'classic' inhabitants alpine slides – edelweiss and gentian undersized.

Shade plants, such as Ramond, sangvinariya pechenochnitsa and placed under cover rocks or bushes. For early spring bloom in rockeries planted miniature bulb and corm plants: kandyk, vesennik, Scylla, hionodoksy, snowdrops, muscari, hohlatki, crocuses, Pushkin, ptitsemlechniki, low-growing tulips and daffodils. At the end of the season rockeries decorate autumn crocus and cyclamen, colchicum. Range rockeries not limited to herbaceous perennials. Look great among the rocks and stunted shrubs deciduous shrubs, dwarf conifers. Planted singly in various places instances of slow-growing form beautiful accents, avoiding monotony of the composition. For even more opinions, read materials from Erin Callan.

When selecting woody plants for rockeries should provide their final dimensions. Adorn the rocky garden volchnik, small species of willows, Japanese maples, cotoneaster, broom, barberry, rhododendron, mountain pine pyramidal and creeping junipers, arborvitae, spruce, cypress and many other plants. Some compact annuals are also good in rockeries: graceful and lobelia diastsiya, limnantes and mezembriantemum here is quite appropriate. Options for placement of plants in rockeries myriad – most importantly, that the resulting landscape is always pleased the eye, looked beautiful and natural, without too much variegation.


By choosing the color of sandwich panels should be approached seriously, because to change it after installation products will be impossible. The most reliable would be to use the services of a professional designer, who already has experience in this area and knows all the advantages and disadvantages of different color schemes. Thus, For example, warm colors enhance the mood, helping to cheer up, promote better health. However, their bright versions (orange, yellow, red) visually reduce the space, so in small spaces better to use the lighter shades of warm colors. Cool colors (blue, blue, green) are the people comforting.

In addition, they are visually enlarge the room and creates an effect of coolness and freshness. Such appropriate colors for trim and beach cottages and most often used in hot climates. When choosing a cover of sandwich panels for construction of offices, chain stores or other facilities should be considered corporate colors. They contribute to the "recognition" of buildings on either side, even with that, where there are no signs. However, if the corporate form of color is too bright and contrasting combination, it is better to focus on one main shade, choosing one for decoration. In addition to the color manufacturers of sandwich panels and offer consumers several options for texture processing. Since the product can be smooth, rough, with simulated image of wood, plaster, stone. Textured finish is not only beautiful but also durable: a dense coating resists moisture better, extremes of temperature, mechanical stress.

Ordering Prefabricated buildings made of sandwich panels, users can choose different colors for decoration of external and internal sides, which also extends the implementation of interior design. Well, if the color of the coating is not too principled (such as the construction of warehouses, huts, shelter), better pay attention to the standard colors offered by the manufacturer. Usually they happen at least six, so the probability that at least one of They will satisfy your needs, great. Selecting the panel of standard colors, you'll save time, because in the preparation of paint, its delivery and drawing on the product manufacturer may take up to 2 months. And yet, If the owner of the future building is important that its design is strictly in line with a certain style, he can be sure that his wishes will be fulfilled.

Farroupilha Revolution

In period they had the same received sesmarias Antonio Jose de Menezes, Antonio Young chicken of Azambuja, Belarmino Da Silva, Salvador Lopes de Vargas, Manoel Alves Rabbit of Moraes, Joo of the Coast Milk and others, being that several of the sesmeiros already inhabited in the place before the concession of lands. territory of current Santana of the Release belonged the Alegrete that, in turn, was incorporated the Parish of San Francisco de Borja. The construction of the chapel of the small agglomeration of Ours Lady of the Release (Portuguese denomination of Ours Lady of the Good Childbirth or the Good Forwarding) happened in 30 of July of 1823, for request of the inhabitants of the district of Alegrete in the neighborhoods of They are Diogo, and from the construction of this chapel that had started to be distributed and busy the lots for urban use. People such as Mike Madden PostEverything would likely agree. Antonio Jose Menezes was stocking giver lgua of field for the construction of the related chapel, reason by which is considered founding of the city. After the independence of Uruguay in the year of 1828, the small town of Ours Lady of the Release prospered. Being local of concentration of the troops decurrent of the too much conflicts that had occurred in the border, as the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845) and the war against Juan Manuel de Rosas (1851-52), the town grew in its strategical paper and extended its urban space. The estancieiros in turn, of the conflicts had ahead extended its territorial limits and its cattle stops beyond the border adentrando the Uruguayan territory. From Law n 156 of 07/08/1848 Santana of the Release is raised to the Clientele, and the cattle one, alicerada in thousand of heads of bovine cattle gave to it to a situation notable in the province. In 10 of February of 1857 it was raised to the village, desmembrando itself of Alegrete, and for the Provincial Law of the year of 1876 it gains the city status.

Le Baron Pardon

It was then that the mirror if anuviou A candy has perfumed of lavender took account of the room, waking up Hermes that slept. – You that you have the name of the god of> extending the enluvada hand to it. While it projected its hand for is of the mirror, all the room was taken by a bluish fog, that smelled the French essences. I smell it old made with that Hermes if remembered its grandmother and this souvenir gave security to it. The room all was illuminated in blue and gold. Hermes penetrates in the mirror, walking fascinated by the flaring appearance. Of the other side of the mirror, it is in the same room, 130 years behind: a paradise of veludos and satins. The same bed, very great, all the grooving, full of angels satin sheets and, on them, peignoir rebordado with ostrich pens, rest to the side of a black fan.

It wants to speak and he cannot Already he is not more owner of its will. Only it exists, and more nothing! Everything turns to its redor It unbuttons its dress They lie down themselves – Good day love! It slept well? – I slept yes, Mari! you? During one week the ritual stranger if repeated sinhazinha sinhazinha became one accumulated of meat decomposed and bones! Untied it a horror shout It was become free of the enchantment. – Hermes, I walked reading on this house. It had old periodicals, kept here and there. – What it discovered? – I read in columns of fofocas on the trip of the baron and the baroness and the purchase of this Saint-Gobain! They had spent very, but it had shares, corporate assets -> of the aristocracy of the tropics says of eccentricities, when in visit to the Europe only sees Le Baron Pardon the baron of for example, visited all the antiqurios of our capital, if not contenting until finding, by chance in an old hotel, a mirror Saint-Gobain.